
How best can an Entrepreneur turn his start up into a viable company?

Saturday, May 31, 2014

2-Hour Presentations

1.  What presentations did you see?
I watched quite a variety of presentations. I saw engineering, architecture, marketing, business, magic the gathering, computer science, advertising, internal medicine, angioplasty, and international business presentations.  I am considering to pick marketing and/or business for my topic. I have a few reasons behind this election. I want to double major in business and marketing in college. I have mentors for both business and marketing. I believe that if I want to pursue a career in business, it is as equally important to learn marketing or vice versa.

2.   What questions do you have that haven't been answered about the senior project? This can be about the senior project in general, any components or about a presentation topic you saw or what they said. 
How will all the information that has to be included in the presentation be collected? How narrow or broad can the topics be?

3. What has the most important part of the senior project based on what you are seeing in the 2-hour presentations?

 The most important part of the senior presentation, according to what I saw, is having relevant information to back up the answer to the essential question. Although is seemed that to some of the presenters of the 2014 class the most important thing is to make time; I think it is pathetic to make time by improvising and coming up with BS information while doing it.

4. What topic are you considering doing and why?

  I have a few reasons behind this election. I want to double major in business and marketing in college. I have mentors for both business and marketing. I believe that if I want to pursue a career in business, it is as equally important to learn marketing or vice versa. 

5. What are you doing for your summer mentorship?
Since I have two mentors I am planning to do 10 hours with each mentor. I have a marketing mentor who is a marketing manager and is willing to help me out in any way he can; and I have a business mentor who is CEO of kittrich cooperations who is also will to giving me support. I know that business and marketing sound extremely broad, but I am going to do my "double summer mentorship" so I can decide how I want to narrow down the topic/topics.